Number of Offers : N/A
Commission Type : CPSRevshare
Minimum Payout : 200
Payment Frequency : Bi-Weekly
Payment Method : PayoneerWire TransferPaxum
Referral Commission : 5%
Tracking Software : In-House
Social Pages :      
Contact Number :+49 991 148 785 42
Website :


imaXcash started in 1996 and has been delivering top-tier programs in the Dating genre for both end-users and webmaster alike. All imaXcash products have been developed in-house directly and geared for forward compatibility and growth. We have maintained the latest standards to ensure cross-platform compatibility and ease of use. With a variety of product offering, imaXcash is able to meet the diverse needs of the Dating user; whether the user is looking for a Cute Flirt or an Immediate Interlude.
Additionally, our products are very attractive to Eastern European traffic as our entire product portfolio is flexible to support local payment and language selections. Currently you can find products for the following countries in our program: GERMANY, AUSTRIA, CZECH REPUBLIC, SLOVAKIA, ROMANIA, SERBIA, CROATIA and POLAND.
We offer S2S tracking and export of the user data tool! Let imaXcash be your partner in the profitable dating genre.

Affiliate Managers

 Zuzana Srsnova   [email protected]

1 Reviews

  • User


    September 26, 2016

    These guys are making a names for themselves right quick. And its easy to see why cuz they treat their affiliates right and go above and beyond the call of duty for them just like they promise they will. Their the real deal for rizzle.

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